Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hair Transplant Story Port Saint Lucie, Florida 34952

Joel Teague - Treasure Coast Hair Restoration

At age 17, I noticed that my hair was getting thinner. At first I thought it was due to wearing baseball caps or stress; however when I noticed other men my age where not experiencing this it caused me concern.

Looking for an answer to stop to hair loss from proceeding, I tried Rogaine which did provide some results in the crown area; however it did not grow any hair in the front and it was quite costly at the time.

In my twenties and still uncomfortable with my hair loss progression; I was drawn to Hair Club for Men that promised to give me a natural and immediate results. They sold this concept to me as a “system”, which I later came to realize was just a glorified toupee and actually caused additional hair loss. The cost was in excess of $5000 per year.

The “system” also caused skin irritation, and I gradually lost confidence in the natural appearance that was originally promised. Over time I become a slave to maintenance the emotional stress of having something to hide. After four years of being completely frustrated, I finally succumbed to shaving my head as a temporary solution.

As a surgical technologist, I began to research the options for hair restoration. My initial research only presented the use of plugs and large grafts that did not provide a natural look. Further study revealed new technology. Follicular unit grafting was available and this was the answer that I have been searching for.

Knowing that others shared a similar dilemma, I discussed this with my friend and locally renown surgeon Dr. Adam Kurtin. We had worked together for six years and I have the utmost respect and confidence in his surgical abilities, attention to detail and amiable approach to patient care. He shared my vision and we began the process of training in this particular specialty. In April 2007, Treasure Coast Hair Restoration became a reality.

In July 2007, I had my first hair transplantation and I could not be happier. The results are natural and better than I expected. Having gone through various options, I can personal say that hair restoration is the only permanent solution to hair loss. I am thrilled to be part of a team that shares my vision to restore confidence, self esteem and transform lives.

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