Monday, January 26, 2009


Dr. Kurtin and his surgical team perform Follicular Unit Hair Grafting which is considered the "Gold Standard" in advanced hair restoration techniques. Treasure Coast Hair Restoration's Board Certified Surgeon and highly experienced team of Surgical Technologiests and Technicians work on just 1 patient at a time utilizing minimally invasive state-of-the-art techniques. You simply won't find a better Team devoted to the art of hair restoration.

The procedure involves removing a narrow strip of hair follicles from the back of the scalp and then separating the hair into 1,2, and 3 haired groups called follicular units. These follicular units are then precisely placed in a natural growth pattern on the top of the scalp into 0.75mm to 1.0mm sites. This allows for faster healing and better growth, graft survival is typically over 95%.

The procedure usually takes 4-6 hours and a local anesthetic is used. During the procedure the patient can listen to music or watch a DVD. Most patients return to work after 3 days. There are no bandages and very few restrictions on activity. The hair will begin to grown in 6 weeks and you will see full results in 12 - 15 months.

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